“Thanks to ABC Recycle™ our baseball league was able to afford new uniforms this year. We are planning our next ABC Recycle™ fundraiser now and hope to double the amount of money this time.”
- Steve Jones – Somerset Youth Baseball

“ We couldn’t believe how many phones people had laying around their homes. One person gave us 5 phones! Each phone was worth about $5. When you figure in the ABC Recycle™ Matching Bonus, we actually made $50 from that one person! This fundraiser is so easy!”
- Mary Stone – Marshall Elementary School

“I would definitely recommend trying the ABC Recycle™ Fundraiser. We have tried other recycle programs in the past but nothing compares to the profit you can make with this fundraiser. With the matching bonus we went from $1200 profit to $2400 and we now have a year-round fundraiser in place and plan to make at least $10,000 this year!”
- Josh Friedman – Raiders Youth Football League

“Last year we used ABC Fundraising’s Scratch & Help™ Fundraiser to raise over $4000.00. We were very pleased with the results so this year we did the ABC Recycle™ fundraiser which raised almost as much. The great thing about this fundraiser is that it doesn’t feel like you are selling anything. People were generally very helpful and spent the extra time looking for their phones that they had stored away somewhere in their house”
- Yolanda Simmons - Fulton-Hempstead Church Choir



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